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According to the IPCC report of June 2021, humanity is on the verge of a cataclysmic fallout. Faced with this observation, many people feel powerless, frustrated, and deeply worried for themselves, their loved ones, their children and grandchildren.

The 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 169 UN targets provide a path, rails and milestones to build a better world.

Our responsibility is to take up the immense challenges before us with optimism, joy and enthusiasm, to dare to embark on the adventure and to move forward to the final goal.


A transformative experience

For actors already involved in sustainable development projects (Environmental, Social, Economic), the Becoming SDG Leaders training is an opportunity to acquire proven methodologies to deploy and succeed their projects. It is an intensive and operational preparation and training on different dimensions:


  • Vision: taking a fresh look at reality, discerning potential and sharing the meaning of action

  • Creativity: seizing opportunities, transforming crises and innovating

  • Impacts: be bold and ambitious in setting targets and outcomes.


It brings together multidisciplinary actors with projects to be developed:


  • Leaders who face up to impatience, disbelief and disunity; and reveal their leadership, to mobilise and unite teams

  • Project team members who overcome their fears, doubts and confusion; and deploy their agility, resilience and cooperation

  • Facilitator-coaches who come out of their loneliness and pessimism to join teams; to serve them and help them to animate and pass on the projects they care about.



The 9-day training course is divided into two parts:


  • empowerment of leaders and their teams,

  • the alignment of their projects with the 5Ps (planet, people, prosperity, peace, partnerships) which group together the 17 SDGs.


1. Creativity in motion: Empowerment

The first three days of the course invite participants to develop strength, courage and audacity. The participants work on their projects and difficulties, co-constructing the foundations of their collective success:


  • Have a clear vision of the path to success through the analysis of the three stages of success

  • Helping each other and solving problems together creatively through the three stages of creativity

  • Develop self-confidence, self-esteem, agility, a taste for action and a culture of success

  • Mastering team building to build interdisciplinary, supportive and united teams

  • Encourage the openness and spontaneity that allows us to grasp Kairos.


2. The 5Ps (planet, people, prosperity, peace, partnerships) for innovation and impact

The 5Ps (next 5 days) include the 3 pillars of sustainable development (planet, population, prosperity), and 2 goals from the 17 SDGs, peace and partnerships.

The participatory and experiential pedagogy offers the opportunity to break out of internal blockages and external limitations.

Partnerships: acting as facilitator, sherpa and catalyst
Participants learn the keys to helping others to participate in large-scale, high-impact initiatives, to climb the 5 levels of leadership (Jim Collins) and to stay together no matter what.

They clarify their identity, place and mission; cultivate their authenticity, legitimacy and credibility; and strengthen their capacity to practice freedom of action, focus and economy of means.

Prosperity: building a life in harmony with others and the planet They experience shifts in consciousness that help them to see every constraint as an opportunity for creativity, innovation and the production of concrete results that are measurable and understandable by all.

Population: optimising behaviour in an uncertain environment
They train themselves to deal with crises, developing their capacity for resilience and cooperation. They then act with solidarity, sobriety and benevolence to contribute to a decent life for all and to live together within the great human family and the living world.

Planet: meeting the needs of current and future generations
As a starting point and essential condition for the success of their projects, participants recognise the interdependence of ecosystems, their weaknesses and their personal vulnerability; they help others to acquire the same awareness; and they make this the solid and resilient foundation for successful action.

Smile day

The ninth and final day opens up the possibility of understanding how to weather storms, rejoice in successes and live fully, to give now and protect always.


No miracle is to be expected. Know-how and know-how are acquired step by step, first at the pace of the baby, then at the pace of the giant: attracting and retaining the best talents; building a united community; accelerating and securing projects; going for it and overcoming obstacles; and offering everyone the opportunity to contribute to projects that go beyond us and that are meaningful.

Join us!

Let us awaken the heart that gives free will and a sense of responsibility.
True life is the vitality, goodness, love and joy of men and women of all ages and all countries.

To contact us :

Éric Langevin
Director of Training
+33 6 09 88 75 61



The course lasts 9 days:

  • 6, 7, 8 June

  • 13, 14, 15 June

  • 27, 28, 29 June


Price list
2,700 € excl. tax / person for the 9 days

Registration and information


More information


"To avoid extinction, it is now or never!
Long live diversity in unity!
Let's go together and break down all the barriers!"

About Us: Who we are

2020 by SDG Champions.

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